Billy Joel and the Objection of the Week

We do things a little differently here at Invoke and that is hard for some people to accept, but I had to share an objection that one of my sales reps recently received when trying to start a relationship.

"I’ve been in the MR business for 20 years, and based on that experience, I just don’t have faith in any methodology that tries to combine qualitative and quantitative data. "

Really? I never used to believe that I could pause live television or have an electronic map in my car, but I am not giving up my TiVo and GPS system!!!!!!!!

Its true that some people have cobbled together quali-quant solutions that don't really work, but we have developed our Engage platform specifically for this purpose and if it didn't work, companies like Microsoft, Washington Mutual, Harris Interactive, and Millward Brown wouldn't adopt it.

Billy Joel might as well have been singing about the research industry when he said: "The good old days weren't all so good and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems." The truth is, if you are always looking at new advances in methodologies and technologies you might actually make your life easier.


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