Don't Miss our Loyalty Program Webinar This Friday

Shameless promotion today of this Friday's webinar on loyalty programs...

You're invited to the next session of CMB's free webinar series on May 22 at Noon ET. Hilton's Vice President of Customer LoyaltyBusiness Optimization and Guest Intelligence, Joe Rhodes, will join Judy Melanson to discuss "The power of loyalty programs" and what companies are doing with their programs in light of the current economic situation.
  • The state of loyalty programs: Cut-backs and increased investments in today's business landscape
  • Does loyalty still matter?
  • Program changes: Best practices and issues to consider
We hope you can make it!

Time and Date:

May 22, 2009, Noon ET


Register via webex here.


Tammy said…
I would have loved to listen in on this but I just found the post via google today - too late! Please let me know if you plan another: Thank you!

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