Mothers Still Concerned About Marketers, But Take Responsibility

Last week we used our Engage Live and Open methodologies to conduct a 60-minute interactive research session with over 200 mothers of children under 18. The goal was to get a quantitative and qualitative read on how they feel about marketing to children, what is appropriate, and where the responsibility in protecting their children lies.

We covered five main areas: general perceptions, brands and product categories, media exposure, shopping with children, and whose responsibility it is to protect children.

Going into the session I wondered if these mothers would take responsibility for protecting their children or if they would pass the blame on to the media or marketeres. I was heartened to see that while they are concerned, they realize that in the end it is their job to raise their children even if others could make it easier!

Quote of the session: “I don’t think it should be federally regulated. Maybe state regulated. But then again, the advertisers should be responsible and if they don't the parents should teach their children to be responsible about what they choose, or want and why.”

Click to read more and download the summary


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