The internal questionnaire

My last post was about how we conducted internally feedback and a few people asked if they could see the actual questionnaire. As I said, it is far from perfect, but it got us moving in the right direction!
  1. What is your role in the company?
    - Executive
    - Project manager
    -Research associate
    -Senior consultant/director
    -Business development
  2. 0-10 agree/disagree scale: On the whole, the marketing team is doing its part to help its CMB internal customers to meet/exceed their goals
  3. Why do you rate the marketing team that way? (open end)
  4. 0-10 agree/disagree scale: The marketing team follows through on requests quickly and thoroughly
  5. Why do you rate the marketing team that way? (open end)
  6. 0-10 agree/disagree scale: The marketing team delivers work of the highest quality
  7. Why do you rate the marketing team that way? (open end)
  8. Overall, has the marketing team improved from 2008 to 2009? Yes/No/don’t know
  9. Where do you see room for improvement? (open end)
  10. What do you think the marketing team should be doing that it is not currently? (open end)
  11. What element of the marketing team’s role do you think is most valuable to the company? (open end)


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