
Showing posts from February, 2009

Segmentation in a Down Economy

Chadwick Martin Bailey's Brant Cruz has a great article in this month's Quirk's Magazine. “Don’t Give Up on That Segmentation Study, Do It Smarter” A quick excerpt: "Stock market volatility. Consumer pessimism. Economic instability. Even though the U.S. presidential election is behind us, these are still very uncertain times. When it comes to custom research, the easiest thing to do is nothing. Wait it out. But for how long? And what will the opportunity cost be if you don’t begin the process now? Obviously, we all need to be cognizant of economic factors when deciding when to launch any project. Any information can help, whether it’s external data or indications from your customers that their sentiments have stabilized - even if that stabilization is on the pessimistic side. For segmentations in particular, which can be especially challenging during periods of extreme uncertainty, it’s important to at least begin the process for conducting the study. I have highlighte...

Glad to be back...

Sorry for the extended absence, but I recently switched back to my old friends at Chadwick Martin Bailey and have been busy! Stay tuned for a whole new set of research observations, information, and ideas starting tomorrow.